Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Cobalt Blue Eyes

Jane 2603


  1. great shot. :D she is so adorable.

  2. meows! nice eyes!
    Welcome to my party in april 15 I will be one year old! =^^=

  3. Did you photoshop those eyes?

  4. Gordon,

    I did not photoshop those eyes. It was light defraction from the eyes' surface. Similar to the soap bubbles have different colors when you shine a light on them.

  5. Loll yeah, every photo of the Super Jane is natural pictures. =^^=

    <3 Jane ^^

  6. "light defraction from the eyes' surface. Similar to the soap bubbles have different colors when you shine a light on them."

    Actually the light was reflected off a layer of the back of the eye behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum. Reflecting light through the retina is one of the ways cats get superior night vision. Cats' tapeta vary in color from yellow to green mostly, but also will include blue, red, and orange.

    From your friendly neighborhood cat vet
